Accepted Papers

DocEng 2016 Accepted Full Papers

Vincent Barrellon, Pierre-Edouard Portier, Sylvie Calabretto and Olivier Ferret. Schema-aware extended Annotation Graphs

Nava Ehsan, Frank Tompa and Azadeh Shakery. Using a Dictionary and n-gram Alignment to Improve Fine-grained Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection

Emilio Granell and Carlos David Martinez Hinarejos. A Multimodal Crowdsourcing Framework for Transcribing Historical Handwritten Documents

Rodrigo Laiola Guimaraes, Priscilla Avegliano and Lucas Villa Real. A Lightweight and Efficient Mechanism for Fixing the Synchronization of Misaligned Subtitle Documents

Prerana Jana, Anubhab Majumdar, Sekhar Mandal and Bhabatosh Chanda. Generation of Search-able PDF of the Chemical Equations segmented from Document Images

Nikolaos Lagos and Jean-Yves Vion-Dury. Digital Preservation Based on Contextualized Dependencies

Frank Mittelbach. A general framework for globally optimized pagination

Lucia Noce, Ignazio Gallo, Alessandro Zamberletti and Alessandro Calefati. Embedded Textual Content for Document Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks

David Schölgens, Sven Müller, Christine Bauer, Roman Tilly and Detlef Schoder. Aesthetic Measures for Document Layouts: Operationalization and Analysis in the Context of Marketing Brochures

Salvatore Trani, Diego Ceccarelli, Claudio Lucchese, Salvatore Orlando and Raffaele Perego. SEL: a Unified Algorithm for Entity Linking and Saliency Detection

Xiangru Wang, Seyednaser Nourashrafeddin and Evangelos Milios. Relaxing Orthogonality Assumption in Conceptual Text Document Similarity


DocEng 2016 Accepted Short Papers

Jamilson Batista Antunes, Rafael Dueire Lins, Rinaldo Lima, Steven J. Simske and Marcelo Riss. Towards Cohesive Extractive Summarization through Anaphoric Expression Resolution

Alessandro Calefati, Ignazio Gallo, Alessandro Zamberletti and Lucia Noce. Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Content Extraction from Online Flyers

Eya Ben Charrada and Stefan Mussato. An Exploratory Study on Managing and Searching for Documents in Software Engineering Environments

Phanucheep Chotnithi and Atsuhiro Takasu. Frequent Multi-Byte Character Subtring Extraction using a Succinct Data Structure

Laurent Denoue, Scott Carter and Matthew Cooper. DocuGram: Turning Screen Recordings into Documents

Rodolfo Ferreira, Rafael Ferreira, Rafael Lins, Hilário Oliveira, Marcelo Riss and Steven Simske. Appling Link Target Identification and Content Extraction to improve Web News Summarization

Tobias Gradl and Andreas Henrich. Extending data models by declaratively specifying contextual knowledge

Ian Knight and David Brailsford. Enhancing the Searchability of Page-Image PDF Documents Using an Aligned Hidden Layer from a Truth Text

Mario Kubek and Herwig Unger. Centroid Terms as Text Representatives

Baoli Li. Selecting Features with Class Based and Importance Weighted Document Frequency in Text Classification

Lei Liu, Rares Vernica, Tamir Hassan, Niranjan Damera Venkata, Yang Lei, Jian Fan, Jerry Liu, Steve J. Simske and Shanchan Wu. METIS: A Multi-faceted Hybrid Book Learning Platform

Marcio Moreno, Rafael Brandão and Renato Cerqueira. NCM 3.1: A Conceptual Model for Hyperknowledge Document Engineering

Jan Oevermann and Wolfgang Ziegler. Automated Intrinsic Text Classification for Component Content Management Applications in Technical Communication

Hilário Oliveira, Rinaldo Lima, Rafael Lins, Fred Freitas, Marcelo Riss and Steven Simske. Assessing Concept Weighting in Integer Linear Programming based Single-document Summarization

Roya Rastan, Hye-Young Paik and John Shepherd. A PDF Wrapper for Table Processing

Giorgos Sfikas, Georgios Louloudis, Nikolaos Stamatopoulos and Basilis Gatos. Bayesian mixture models on connected components for Newspaper article segmentation

Alexey Shigarov, Andrey Mikhailov and Andrey Altaev. Configurable Table Structure Recognition in Untagged PDF documents

Margaret Sturgill and Steven Simske. Mass Serialization Method for Document Encryption Policy Enforcement

Tobias Swoboda, Matthias Hemmje, Mihai Dascalu and Stefan Trausan-Matu. Combining Taxonomies using Word2Vec

Junki Tanijiri, Manabu Ohta, Atsuhiro Takasu and Jun Adachi. Important Word Organization for Support of Browsing Scholarly Papers Using Author Keywords


DocEng 2016 Accepted Application Notes/Demos
Luciano Cabral, Manoel Neto, Artur Borges, Rafael Lins, Rinaldo Lima, Rafael Ferreira, Steven Simske and Marcelo Riss. Multilingual News Article Summarization in Mobile Devices – Demo

Daan Leijen. Rendering Mathematic Formulas for the Web in Madoko