For the fourth time, we will have a Doctoral Consortium at the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering.
Doctoral students in their second year or later present their dissertation project and will get feedback from a panel of senior researchers as well as from the general audience. This session is intended to provide a venue for student researchers in Document Engineering to present their work. It will provide constructive criticism and help doctoral students in formulating their research question, deciding about methods and approaches to use, and creating further ideas. ProDoc@DocEng is a good place to learn about how to conduct a dissertation project and to learn about leading edge research.
ProDoc@DocEng will take place during the Symposium as a special session. Each participant will be allocated 10 minutes for presentation, followed by feedback and questions. Additionally, mentors will be responsible for providing feedback to students and preparing in-depth comments and questions for individual meetings.
Accepted students:
- Tobias Gradl (University of Bamberg, Germany): “A Language Theoretical Framework for the Integration of Arts and Humanities Research Data”
- Alán Guedes (Telemida, Brazil): “Towards Supporting Multimodal and Multiuser Interactions in Multimedia Languages”
- Peter King (University of Manitoba, Canada)
- Ethan Munson (University of Wisconsin, USA)
- Robert Sablatnig (TU Wien, Austria)